[專題] Story Behind 'Sing About Me'

Kendrick Lamar Tells Tragic Story Behind 'Sing About Me'

K-Dot confirms to MTV News that the standout track from good kid, m.A.A.d city is 'definitely a true' one.

By Rob Markman (@RobMarkman)

話說最近美國最火紅的話題....絕對就是Kendrick Lamar的新專輯 GKMC 了!不管是哪位饒舌歌手、音樂或是衣服的網站,全部都一窩蜂的熱烈討論。這張專輯百分之百是2012年最佳專輯,可能也是西岸饒舌近年來最重要的分水嶺,K-Dot傳承了Compton的遺志、TDE將會是西岸的未來。
Kendrick Lamar 在廣受好評的首張主流廠牌專輯 good kid, m.A.A.d city 裡所描繪的場景,不僅僅只是展現出他驚人的押韻功力,他們全都是來自真實的生活之中。從頭到尾,K-Dot述說著一位年輕人在加州Compton的成長故事,他努力想要擺脫街頭的誘惑以及洛杉磯殘暴的幫派文化。Lamar把饒舌當作是逃離的出口,但是他的一些朋友卻沒有這麼幸運,於是K-Dot寫下了十二分鐘的歌曲"Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst."

"'Sing About Me' 是貨真價實的故事",上周六Kendrick在 Las Vegas 接受 MTV News 專訪時親口證實了。

"第一段歌詞是我和朋友之間的對話,這故事述說著我是怎麼在那個地方、並且親眼目睹他的兄弟死亡" ,Kendrick解釋這首歌的概念。


這首歌曲的第二段歌詞,是延續"Keisha's Song (Her Pain)",這首曲子來自2011年獨立發行的專輯 Section.80,描述一位年輕妓女的悲慘故事 。這段歌詞描述Keisha的真實生活故事,而和第一段歌詞不一樣,Keisha希望Kendrick永遠也不要把她的生活故事公開給大家知道。

"'Keisha's Song' 也是真的,而我不能理解的就是她妹妹",他說,"我遇見了她妹妹,她對我說她姐姐希望當我的專輯發行時,千萬不要唱我的故事、也不要提起我。"

但是Kendrick還是違背了她的意願,這首歌唱出了這種兩面對立的畫面。"And you're right your brother was a brother to me/ And your sister's situation was the one that pulled me/ In a direction to speak on something that's realer than the TV screen" 在第三段歌詞Kendrick如此唱到。


Rapgenius補充一下,"And you're right your brother was a brother to me/ And your sister's situation was the one that pulled me/ In a direction to speak on something that's realer than the TV screen"得更明確的解釋:

Kendrick takes the time to address the first two speakers in this song

第一段 “Your brother was a brother to me”:
Is aimed at Dave’s brother, Kendrick is validating the statement that Dave’s brother made in verse 1 (I love you cuz you loved my brother like you did) and he’s making sure that Dave’s story is being told because it’s something that the world needs to hear

第二段“Your sister’s situation…”:
Keisha’s sister had it wrong, she assumed that Kendrick was putting Keisha on blast and judging her for the choices that she was forced to make in her life. When in reality none of what Kendrick was saying was coming from an evil place, Keisha’s situation has inspired him to do music he’s doing now. Real Music

不管如何,他們兩人的故事造就了Kendrick Lamar,也是他音樂靈感的來源。

