[歌手介紹] Nipsey Hussle (South Central, CA)


You already know what it is. From the way he greets you, to the words that he speaks. The uniform he wears is bold, aggressive and absolutely intimidating. He’s authentic - the offspring of the West Coast’s most celebrated talent - yet and still a novelty all his own. In an industry that’s fallen victim to bubble gum lyrics and erroneous dance fads to match, he’s the spokesperson the block wants f⋯⋯

He’s the sociopolitical outrage of Ice Cube and N.W.A. He’s Snoop Dogg before you knew his name and Ice T after an unexpected knock at 6 o’clock in the morning.

(pics by Jorge Peniche)
He’s the very definition of Slauson & Crenshaw - a self-inspired movement and a name you can trust. He is Nipsey Hussle.

A devout member of the Rolling Sixty Crips, Nipsey Hussle emerged from one of the most respected sets in Los Angeles. Situated in the middle of South Central, he’s as poised a banger as there comes. “I try to keep a balance with my career and who I am aside from that.” says Nipsey. “It’s kinda hard, but I try to stay the same nigga and balance both worlds. You don’t wanna forget where you come from and at the same time, you don’t wanna fuck off your blessing tryna live the same lifestyle you been living.”

Nipsey Hussle原名Ermias Asghedom,出生於1985年8月15,來自洛杉磯South Central地區的Crenshaw Blvd & Slauson Ave一帶。這個地區由 Rollin' 60's Neighborhood Crips所統治,而Nipsey Hussley是他們的成員之一,他同時也是Snoop Dogg的cousin。

Nipsey 能夠得到 "Hussle" 這個綽號是其來有自。早在13歲的時候他就開始在studio學習製作音樂,並且時常到Watts Towers Studio去精進他的錄音專業知識,但是這純真的童年沒有維持多久,他就被迫面臨了抉擇: “When I came into my manhood and I had to make real decisions,” “That’s when I fell real heavily into the bangin’ and the hustlin’ and the streets, and was doin’ everything under the sun. That’s when I said, ‘Forget the music.’" (大意就是他要開始上街頭幹壞事討生活)。在街上他爭取了自己的名聲,成為了 ghetto celebrity,還在South Central開了自己的服飾店。

但是Nipsey最後沒有選擇完全放棄音樂。在當時Nipsey孤注一擲,他不知道自己會不會成功,決意把手頭上的資產全部變賣,從車子、輪框到價值$20K的珠寶,他把這些東西全都拋售並且投資設立自己的studio。Nipsey最早(大約在2005)錄製了生涯第一張mixtape "Slauson Boy Volume 1",並且隨後成立了Slauson Boy Records,就此開始了他的音樂生涯。

儘管在電台和街頭其他管道的宣傳,以及獲得許多表演邀約(包誇了著名的House of Blues),Nipsey仍舊不願妥協,他一直都過著街頭生活: “It was like, I kept going back,” 他回憶起 “I would go to the studio for a couple of months and then I’d go back to the streets.” 。而可以預期地,Nipsey也惹上了不少麻煩,甚至在一次警方搜索中被沒收了所有的錄音器材。

不過Nipsey依舊接二連三地推出了單曲,像是"They Roll"和 "Bullets Ain't Got No Name"都找來了西岸巨星兼Black Wallstreet CEO的The Game合作。而“Bullets Ain’t Got No Name”更獲得了著名的DJ Felli Fell的賞識,在他的電台節目裡強力播送,並且簽下Slauson Boy,使他在西岸開始嶄露頭角。這些單曲後來都收錄在2008年的mixtape "Bullets Ain't Got No Name, Vol. 1" 和 "Bullets Ain't Got No Name, Vol. 2"。

2007年,Felli從中幫助Nipsey的經紀人(Big U of Uneek Music)和Cinematic/Koch/Epic Records的CEO Jonny Shipes牽線 (這傢伙之後還發掘了Big K.R.I.T.和Smoke DZA)。過了沒多久,Slauson Boy一夥人興高采烈的飛到牙買加的Ocho Rios大肆慶祝,過了兩個禮拜回來的時候才發現警察搜索了他的服飾店,並且宣稱他違反了緩刑條例。

“I went from havin’ a fat advance check and ridin’ jet ski’s in Jamaica, to sittin’ in the county jail on a shoe program 24 hours a day,” 他回憶起 “So it kinda put everything in perspective once again and had me sittin’ with my thoughts and myself to see exactly what I wanted to do with myself.”


出獄後的Nipsey又重新投入音樂事業,重新開始製作他的個人首張專輯。2009年夏天,Nipsey預計推出首張個人正式專輯"South Central State of Mind" ,專輯當中預計找來The Game, Snoop Dogg, Kokane, Letoya Williams 和Nipsey自己的 Slauson Boyz等人跨刀助陣,可惜這張專輯的問世被無限期延後,最後就此無疾而終。

當時,Nipsey解釋了這張專輯的概念: “The perspective from LA is from Snoop and Ice Cube and them,” Nipsey says. “Them dudes is grown. They did they stuff, but they out of that element now. They on some other s***. So it’s like people want to hear what’s going on in the streets [now] and that’s what I’m providing with this record.” (大意就是以前的前輩現在都在做芭樂歌,他想做一張足以反映出真實街頭生活的專輯)。

“The album is the missing ingredient. It’s what ain’t been said,” Nipsey 說道 “I feel it’s what everybody is waiting to hear. It’s the new perspective as far as the streets. I can’t speak on nuthin’ else right now, cause I’m not fully familiar with nuthin’ else. I been a few places, but I know the streets like the back of my hand.”

儘管如此,Nipsey在2009年推出的第一支正式出道單曲"Hussle In The House"仍舊大獲成功,同年也和Drake合作"Killer"、在Snoop Dogg專輯"Malice n Wonderland"當中合作了"Upside Down"一曲.....自己也發行了mixtape "Bullets Ain't Got No Name, Vol. 3"。這一連串的舉動都使得Nipsey Hussle成為西岸逐漸嶄露頭角的新星。

插入一張無關緊要的圖片....這件T恤我有買過 lol

和Epic鬧的不歡而散之後,Nipsey仍舊選擇非主流的管道,透過All Money In Records在2010年12月21號正式宣布發行mixtape "The Marathon",主打單曲"Keys to the City" (Produced By E.N.G. & Djay Cas)。"Keys 2 the City" - " 'Keys 2 the City' is just an update on what's been going on with me since my introduction to the game," 他說道 "It's just talking about our relevance to L.A., what we mean to the city right now. Our grind and our rise and the footwork and the legwork that we put in. But it's a real record. It talk about some real-life situations."。其他詳細訪談(關於離開Epic以及馬拉松計畫)可以參考HipHopDX

2010對Nipsey來說也是豐收的一年,他獲選XXL雜誌的年度最佳新人之一(Annual Freshman Top Ten),被評選為這十個新人裡面"Most Determined"。此外,也參與了"We Are the World 25 for Haiti",以及發行和Lloyd合作的火紅單曲"Feelin Myself"。

2011年,Nipsey被捲進了一起槍擊案。他在 Crenshaw and Slauson 上的Shell加油站遇到了前經紀人Eugene “Big U” Henley,由於"South Central State of Mind"的無限期延遲搞得兩方撕破臉,Nipsey和Big U就在加油站發生了爭執,Nipsey的哥哥Samiel Asghedom也對空開了幾槍。更多細節可參考StreetGangs 。同年,Nipsey發行馬拉松計畫的續集,"The Marathon Continues"。

2012年,Nipsey和另外一位西岸當紅新人YG(來自Compton,被選為2011年XXL最佳新人之一)合作"Bitches Ain't", 這支單曲同時也找來Young Money的Tyga助陣, 殺進排行榜Hot 100以及Heatseekers Songs chart的第十一名。事實上他和YG的合作還挺頻繁的,另外還有許多作品例如Motto Remix、#Grindmode...等等。此外也發行了"The Marathon Continues: X-Tra Laps",並且預計在今年12月21號發行最新力作"TM3: Victory Lap",西岸迷們可別錯過了。

其他參考資料 Discogs // Wikipedia

Nipsey Hussle原先計畫的首支主打單曲,充滿濃濃的西岸G-Funk味。這隻MV裡的場景都是在Slauson Ave拍攝 (上個月曾經造訪過,還蠻好玩的)。

離開Epic後,Nipsey透過All Money In Records發行一系列的Marathon mixtape。代表作品"Key to the City"

和YG、Tyga合作的Bithes Ain't我也相當喜歡,MV場景都是他們的hood (Compton和South Central)

2012年,Nipey和西岸正夯的Dom Kennedy合作一首I Need That。這MV真是讓人興奮!

儘管不知道個人正式專輯到底什麼時候出.......Nipsey也算是復興西岸的重要角色之一、也不斷地推出新作品 (忘了說他也和MMG新人Stalley合作),今後動向仍舊值得西岸樂迷們多加關注。Mixtape的話就自己去Datpiff下載吧。


