[Exclusive] Watts Gangstas (CA) 獨家訪談 Interview 2018
這次email訪問的對象是來自加州的幫派饒舌團體Watts Gangstas,由Dee-Dope和Felony所組成。
只要是有在鑽研G-Funk的樂迷,應該也多少聽過這個團體的威名。他們是貨真價實的血幫real G,Dee Dope來自104th Street Circle City Piru、Felony則是106th Street Circle City Piru。
他們被Hood Rat Records、Priority Records簽下,並在1995年發行首張專輯"The Real",之後就突然停止音樂活動、消聲匿跡二十年,這之間只有Dee Dope參與過Young Maylay在2005年發表的俠盜獵車手混音帶"San Andreas The Original Mixtape"、以及2001年Killa Tay的"Thug Thisle"專輯。一直到2017年,才又在日本廠牌II Tight的幫助下推出新作"Affiliated (Can't Stop Won't Stop)",重新以Watts Gangstas的名義再度活動。
1. Can you talk about the origin of Watts Gangstas?
Watts Gangstas的起源是什麼?
- Dee Dope (以下簡稱DD): Our grandparents moved to Watts in the 50’s. We’re born and raised in Watts. Our mothers are sisters were 1st cousins. So we’ve known each other our entire lives.
- DD: 我們的祖父母在50年代搬遷到Watts。我們都是在Watts出生和長大,然後我們兩人的媽媽彼此是姐妹,所以我們兩人是表兄弟、從小到大一直就是熟識。
2. How did you learn rapping? Who inspires you to do music?
你們當初是怎麼學習饒舌的? 是誰啟發了你們去玩音樂?
- DD: Felony is older so he was rapping first. I Dee Dope learned rapping by reciting raps of big artist I liked. Such as Rakim, Ice cube, NWA. It wasn’t an inspiration to do music more like an opportunity so we went for it.
- DD: Felony比我年長,所以他比我先開始饒舌。我(Dee Dope)自己是看著喜歡的歌手來依樣畫葫蘆,像是Rakim、Ice Cube、NWA等等。其實這不太像是啟發,而是我們發現了這個機會、然後去主動學習音樂。
3. Back in the days, how did you guys making music?
- DD: Back in the days we didn’t have the means to make our own music. So we rapped and wrote to other people’s instrumentals.
- DD: 當年我們手邊的資源有限。所以大多是使用別人的曲,自己再來寫詞、饒舌。
4. How's the early days like in Watts? I heard that Watts is a dangerous city in SoCal. Do you guys still living in Watts currently?
早年在Watts的生活如何? 我聽說Watts在南加州是個危險的城市,你們現在還住在那嗎?
- DD: The early days in Watts was good. Sure it was violent and dangerous but that’s all we knew so it was fun. Lots of dead homies but that’s what came with the territory . No we moved out but we still go back a lot.
- DD: Watts的生活很棒。當然這是個危險又充滿暴力的城市,但是這就是我們的生活,所以依舊能苦中作樂。很多好朋友那時候也都死了,但多半是牽扯到地盤畫分的衝突。現在我們已經離開Watts居住,不過仍會常常回來這兒。
4. After releasing the album "The Real", where were you guys? Why not releasing music for such a long period of time?
自從發行專輯"The Real"之後,你們上哪去了? 為什麼停止音樂活動這麼久一段時間?
- DD: After releasing The Real one of the owners of the company we were signed to got arrested and expedited federally. The 2nd owner couldn’t handle the company on his own so we got stuck in contract.
- DD: 發行"The Real"之後,唱片公司的其中一位老闆遭到逮捕、然後被驅逐出境。另一位老闆,光靠著自己一人也無力將唱片公司營運下去,所以我們兩個的合約就這麼被卡著了。
5. It's so great for all G-Funk fans to know that Watts Gangstas is back! I see that you guys visited Japan last year. How was the experience?
對於G-Funk粉絲來說,Watts Gangstas回歸的消息相當令人振奮。你們去年也造訪了日本,這段經驗如何?
- DD: Yes, we’re back stronger than ever! Japan was great we love Japan and our fans , going back soon.
- DD: 是的。我們現在已強勢回歸! 日本之行很棒,我們都愛日本以及那邊的粉絲,很快還會再次造訪日本。
6. What are your next moves? And Where can we follow your latest updates?
你們的未來計畫是什麼? 從哪邊可以follow到最新動態?
- DD: Our next move is shooting some videos for the new album Affiliated. Yes , we are going to drop more music. We’re currently in the studio working on another album right now. We’ll be dropping updates on our new IG fan page. Also youtube and google updates as well.
- DD: 我們的下一個計畫,就是替新專輯"Affiliated"拍攝幾支音樂錄影帶。我們還會推出更多音樂,目前正在錄音室趕工下一張專輯。之後的最新動態都會透過我們新成立的IG粉絲頁,當然還有youtube以及google的更新等等。
2017年Watts Gangstas首度在日本展開巡迴
Watts Gangstas - Stuck In The Game (1996)
Watts Gangstas - Wanna B (1995)
內容談論一個13歲的小孩YG Little Rock,受到幫派生活誘惑的真實故事
Shout out to Taiwan!