[Exclusive] JMSN (Los Angeles) 獨家訪談 Interview 2017

1. Can you introduce yourself? 
  • JMSN:I am JMSN. I'm from Detroit, moved to Los Angeles when I was 17. I started making music when I was 10. 
  • JMSN: 我是JMSN,來自底特律,在十七歲的時候搬到洛杉磯。我從十歲就開始做音樂了。
2. What inspires you to make music? What are your favorite artists and albums? 
  • JMSN:My love and passion for music inspires me to keep making music. Too many to favorite artists and albums to count. Prince “Purple Rain” for sure. Whitney Houston, Phil Collins, R. Kelly, Marvin Gaye…. 
  • JMSN:我對音樂的愛與熱忱是驅使我做音樂的動力。我喜愛的歌手和專輯太多了,但是王子的"Purple Rain"絕對是其中之一,另外還有Whitney Houston, Phil Collins, R. Kelly, Marvin Gaye….等等。
3. How do you describe your music style? To me, your music is really unique..not only sounds R&B, but also combine with other elements, such as hip hop, funk....
  • JMSN:My music is “me" and I have a lot of different influences that make that up from Country to Pop to Rap to R&B to Blues to Rock.
  • JMSN:我的音樂風格就是"我",我的音樂受到各種曲風的影響,從鄉村音樂、流行樂一直到饒舌、節奏藍調、搖滾...等等都是。

4. In the early days, you started with the group Love Arcade as Snowhite. How was the experience?
在你生涯初期是以Snowhite的藝名從團體"Love Arcade"開始闖蕩。這段經驗如何?
  • JMSN:It was all a learning experience and it played a huge role in who I am today. I got to experiment and failed a lot, but learned from it and it helped me get to what works.
  • JMSN: 這就是一段學習經驗。而且對我影響甚巨,造就了今天的我。當時我一直嘗試、也常常失敗,但是能從中學習,讓我了解什麼是可行的。
5. After the Love Arcade era, then you changed your moniker to make music. Is there any reasons or motivations when you made this kind of decisions? 
離開Love Arcade之後,你改變了你的藝名。這背後有什麼原因或動機嗎?
  • JMSN:I grew as a person and changed a whole lot. Change in life meant change in music. I evolved into a new person, so felt the need for a new name.
  • JMSN:因為我成長了,變成了完全不同的人。人生的轉變也是意味著音樂的轉變。我轉變成一個新的人,所以覺得應該要有個新名字。
6. I noticed that you also worked with many hip hop artists, such as The Game, Cunninlynguists, Ab-Soul, Domo Genesis... Are there any differences on mindsets when making music in different genres? 
  • JMSN:No difference. Just make the best stuff you can make. 
  • JMSN:沒什麼差別。就是盡力把事情做好而已。
7. Which hip hop atists have the best chemistry with you? 
Will you collaborate with more hip hop artists in the future?
  • JMSN:Every time. They're all amazing in their own right. Yea for sure I will collaborate with more.
  • JMSN:每一位都是。他們每個在各自的領域都是很傑出的。當然,未來我還會跟更多嘻哈歌手一起合作。 
(附註:JMSN參與了good kid, m.A.A.d city專輯中的"The Art of Peer Pressure"、"Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst"、"Real",以及這首耳熟能詳的"Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe")

8. In Kenderick Lamar’s GKMC, you contributed four tracks on it. 
How did you connect with TDE? Did you still remember the recording sessions?
在Kendrick Lamar的專輯"GKMC",你貢獻了四首作品。你是怎麼聯繫上TDE的?你還記得錄音時的情況是怎樣嗎?
  • JMSN:I connected to them through twitter. It was a great experience. Inspired me a lot.
  • JMSN: 我是用Twitter直接聯絡他們的。這是個很棒的經驗,影響我很深。
9. What other artists you wanna work with the most, no matter dead or alive?
  • JMSN:Prince. Amy Winehouse. Whitney Houston. Stevie Wonder.
10. You just released the new album “Whatever Makes U Happy”. 
What kinds of information you trying to deliver? 
你發行了新專輯"Whatever Makes U Happy"。你想透過專輯傳達什麼訊息?
  • JMSN:Was just trying to do what made me happy and inspire others to do the same. 
  • JMSN:我只想做讓我自己快樂的事情,並且去感染給其他人。
11. What are your favorite tracks from the album, and why?
  • JMSN:My favorite changes all the time, but right now it's probably "Love Ain't Enough,” because loves not enough. You need action, you need to apply yourself to it. You need to go through the struggle. There's no yin without the yang.  
  • JMSN:我自己最喜歡的歌總是一直在變,但目前大概是"Love Ain't Enough"這首作品,因為愛總是不夠。你必須要實際行動,並且真的投入,你必須要咬緊牙根度過難關,任何事總是沒有陰就沒有陽。 

12. Are there any future plans?
  • JMSN:To continue to make the best music I can make and get better and evolve and explore. 
  • JMSN:繼續做出最棒的音樂,持續進步、持續探索更多的可能。

OFF TOPIC presents : 今夜浪漫將至 J M S N 台北專場
11月7日 19:30 - 22:30

