[Exclusive] Colin Taniguchi (@coldgame650) 獨家訪談 2024

這次訪問的是來自北加州Daly City的Colin Taniguchi (@coldgame650)。Colin也是我非常喜愛的一位新生代藝術家,深受北加州嘻哈音樂文化的影響,作品中常有90年代各種西岸嘻哈元素的彩蛋埋藏其中,若你自認是西岸嘻哈文化的愛好者,那麼一定也要認識一下這位藝術家。

1. Can you introduce yourself? How did you start your career?
  • Colin Taniguchi (以下簡稱CT):Yo, my name's Colin Taniguchi. Im from Daly City, California to be exact. Im an illustrator & got my start with drawing at a young age. Just fucking around doodling on my dad's work notes. From then on I've been pretty much at it non stop.
  • CT:我是Colin Taniguchi,來自Daly City。我是一名插畫家,從小就開始繪畫。一開始只是在我爸爸的工作筆記上亂畫一通。從那時起,我基本上一直持續不斷地投入這個領域,沒有停下來過。
2. How do you describe your artwork style?
  • CT:I'd say my style is just everything I've been into coming up & the environment surrounding it. Coming from where I'm at there's too much going on in the daily to not get inspired to draw it out. The times you spend with your friends or the city living thats at our feet. The bay area will never come short of stories to give you. Just for memories sake I draw them out or write it down in my books. I want my work to tell you where I'm from without having to speak it.
  • CT:我會說我的風格就是我在成長過程中喜歡的一切,以及周圍的環境。我所在的城市每天都發生太多事情,讓人無法不受啟發,並將它畫出來。不論是與朋友一起度過的時光,或者身處其中的城市生活,這一切都在我們的腳下發生,灣區永遠不會缺少可以分享的故事。為了紀錄這些回憶,我會將它們畫出來或寫在我的書中。我希望我的作品能夠直接告訴你我來自哪裡,而無需再用言語贅述。

3. Your art is truly amazing to me and reminds me the classic 90’s west coast hip hop style. Where do you gain the inspiration from (rappers, album covers, graffiti artists, illustrators...etc)? 
  • CT:I'm for sure heavily influenced by the g-funk era and everything that came with it. It was a reflection of our reality. Whether good or bad, even if it was written before my time it was still relatable. The cassette covers in my pop's tape collection used to have me wanting to draw my own or just see more. 
  • He had all the cool classic bay shit, RBL Posse, Mr. Pooh, Rappin' 4 Tay, Dre Dog to be exact. He kept them in a tape bag inside his MR-2. Rap covers or any in general are probably my biggest go-to when I'm running out of shit to rock. The music really has a good effect on what I draw since it's always on when Im doing my thing. A lot of lyrics will pull certain ideas or memories.
  • CT:我肯定受到了G-Funk時代的深刻影響。那是對我們現實生活的反映。無論是好是壞,即使這些歌曲是在我出生之前寫的,它們仍然讓人感同身受。我爸爸錄音帶蒐藏中的封面,讓我想要畫屬於自己的東西,或者只是想看更多。
  • 我爸有很酷的灣區經典錄音帶,例如:RBL Posse、Mr. Pooh、Rappin' 4 Tay以及Dre Dog等等,他把它們放在他的豐田MR-2車內的一個收納袋裡。說到封面,特別是說唱專輯的封面,可能是我在沒有東西可畫的時候最喜歡參考的。音樂對我的繪畫有很大的正面影響,因為我做事情時總是在播放音樂,很多歌詞會引出某些想法或回憶。

4. What is your definition of "WESTSIDE LOVE"? Can you talk about the ideas and concepts of the logos you created for "WESTSIDE LOVE"? 
  • CT:When I think of  "WESTSIDE LOVE" I instantly think of the sunsets we get to see when crossing the bay bridge if you time it right on travel. If your off a few minutes you might be enjoying that sunset in traffic. So I incorporated those colors from the sunsets I've seen in this design. 
  • The way our fathers & uncs dressed is what the characters in the piece are also rocking. The generation that started it all: Crewnecks, Ben Davis,White Tees, creased up everything, house shoes, you know the deal. It was all the shit. I just wanted to keep everything to what I felt was authentic about our region apparent in the scene going on. Negative or positive its all a part of the equation out here.
  • CT:當我想到"WESTSIDE LOVE"時,我立刻想到的是當我們穿越海灣大橋時能夠看到的日落(如果你時機抓得對的話)。如果你差了幾分鐘,你可能會在交通中欣賞到那美麗的日落。所以我在這個設計中融入了我所見過的那些日落的顏色。
  • 這件作品中的角色穿著的服裝就是我們的父親和叔叔們當年的打扮。那一代人開創了一切:圓領衫,Ben Davis工裝,白色T恤,所有東西都要摺疊得整整齊齊,還有家居拖鞋,你懂的,那真是太酷了。我只是想保留我感覺到的這些地區真實性,將其通通呈現在畫面中,無論是正面的、還是負面的。
5. You created two main characters for these two WESTSIDE LOVE logos. Can you give them a name?
  • CT:If this turned into a cartoon or something I'd name the fool in the khaki suit Tiny Shadow or some shit like that lol. The other homie Ima let Johnny choose.
  • CT:如果這變成了一部卡通或什麼的,我會給那個穿卡其色西裝的傢伙取個名字,叫 Tiny Shadow 或者類似的搞笑名字 哈哈。至於另一個,我就讓Johnny來選個名字吧。

6. I guess this is your first time designing logos for a Taiwanese hip hop blog? Do you have anything want to say to Taiwan?
  • CT:This is for sure my first time doing anything for someone in Taiwan. Even cooler that It's a blog thats based on the era of slaps I love the most. I Would like to thank Johnny from WESTSIDE LOVE for interview. Final thanks to whoever in Taiwan that comes across this and read what I had to say. Its all love, peace.
  • CT:這絕對是我第一次為台灣人做的事情。更酷的是,這是一個基於我最喜愛的時期的部落格。我想感謝WESTSIDE LOVE的Johnny進行這次採訪。最後感謝在台灣看到這篇文章並閱讀的每個人。這都是愛,peace!

才氣縱橫的Colin僅管年紀輕輕,但近年來人氣扶搖直上,合作邀約不斷(也曾幫Post Malone、Foos Gone Wild...等等操刀),很榮幸這次能請到Colin幫忙設計西岸愛十週年的紀念作品,希望未來能與Colin有更多的合作、帶來更多令人讚嘆的藝術創作。

