[Exclusive] M.A.V. (Maverick Montana of DaCloth) 獨家訪談 2021

邁入2021年,由於疫情及個人因素,很多計畫都推遲,但只要一有機會,西岸愛仍會持續推出訪問。這次聯繫上M.A.V. (a.k.a Maverick Montana),他們的團隊DaCloth正從紐約崛,在這百花爭鳴的地下嘻哈圈成為一股新勢力。

1. Can you introduce yourself? How did you start your career? 請做個自我介紹
  • M.A.V. (以下簡稱M):Peace! I’m MAV one of the founding members of DaCloth! Money And Violence the people respect both. I started this journey in early 2000 late 90’s and took several years off to deal with some real life shit pre DaCloths inception.
  • M:Peace! 我是M.A.V.,DaCloth團隊的創始成員。M.A.V.的意思是"金錢與暴力" (Money And Violence)的縮寫,這是人們所敬畏的兩件事。我從90年末、2000年初開始音樂生涯,DaCloth成立之前,我在街頭打滾了好幾年。
2. How do you describe your style? 如何形容你的風格?
  • M:I’d describe my style as real time intelligence with real life experience... no cliche shit...
  • M:我會形容我的風格為真實的街頭智慧、以及真實的生活經驗...而不是那些譁眾取寵的陳腔濫調...

3. Who inspires you the most? Or what albums that inspire you the most? 音樂上的啟發。
  • M:Truly life is my biggest inspiration, that’s where everything I write comes from. Life and all it throws at you, how you navigate it. Triumphs and failures for some of us it’s similar and for some it’s very different. As far as what albums I’d say Illmatic as a young man, Reasonable Doubt, the Adventures of Slick Rick, Straight Out of Compton, I listened to so much as a youngster the earliest was Bambata and guys like Kurtis Blow. They weren’t really influential to me but the latter albums were similar to a life I had grown to know well and we like what we are. But the person who made me want to rap would be my sister, I heard her live on the radio one evening rapping and I knew that’s what I wanted to do one day.
  • M:生活就是最大的啟發,我所有的作品都是由此而來。生命中的一切,重點在於你是如何去掌控,如同勝利或是失敗的定義,有些人是這樣、但對另一些人卻又不一樣。
  • 如果說是音樂專輯的話,在年幼時期影響我最大的就是illmatic。另外還有Reasonable Doubt, the Adventures of Slick Rick, Straight Out of Compton等專輯,我把這些專輯聽了好幾遍。更早期的Afrika Bambaataa以及Kurtis Blow我也聽,即使這兩位並不是真的對我造成很大的影響,但是專輯所傳達出的訊息就是來自街頭的真實生活,這是我成長過程中相當熟悉、也相當喜愛的。至於真正影響我、讓我開始饒舌的則是我的姊姊,小時候曾聽到她在廣播電台上的夜間節目中現場饒舌,從此讓我決定未來也要成為饒舌歌手。
4. You are one of the founding members of DaCloth. Can you let us know how it all starts? Who are other members? and what is your role in the group? 你是DaCloth的創始成員,可以介紹一下各個成員以及你在團體中的定位?
  • M:After doing our things separately as solo artists me Rigz, Symph and Illanoise decided to connect and take the strength in numbers approach. Later we recruited TimesChange, Mooch and Rob Gates. As far as my roll I’ve played a lot of positions under DaCloth umbrella. I’m whatever my team need me to be when they need me to be it. I’ve answered calls, made connections, held the lights at video shoots and carried equipment. I just get shit done...
  • M:我們一開始其實是各自發展。後來由我、RigzSymph以及Illanoise決定一起合作,用團隊力量的方式來創造優勢。後來延攬了TimesChangeMooch以及Rob Gates等人加入。我在團隊中的角色,其實負責了很多部分,只要是團隊要我做的任何事、或是對我的期望,我都會去達成,不論是打電話、做公關、在拍攝音樂錄影帶時幫忙打光、或是扛器材設備等等,我總是使命必達。
5. Rochester has many great hip hop artists, such as Eto, 38 Spesh...etc.. There are so many underground artists rising up in recent years. How do you differentiate yourself from others? 你的家鄉Rochester有許多優秀的嘻哈音樂人,例如Eto、38Spesh等等,有許多人在近幾年逐漸崛起,你要如何與其他人做出差異、脫穎而出?
  • M:First off the age separates us! I’ve lived a storied life while some stories are just beginning. I just stay true to me and I don’t really subscribe to what other artists have going on. The guys getting the light from Rochester have been dope for years it just took some time for the rest of the world to catch up.
  • M:光是年紀的差異就讓我與其他歌手不同了。我的人生歷練就如同一個故事,而有一些故事才正要開始。我總是保持真實的自己,不會特別去關注其他歌手們在做啥。而其實Rochester出產的嘻哈音樂一直都很屌,但這需要花時間才能讓世界各地的人都體驗到。
6. From 2019 to 2020, you have released 7 projects. How did you finish them in this short period of time? 光是在近兩年內你就推出七張專輯,你是如何在這麼短的時間內完成?
  • M:I was commissioned to do two different projects all while working on some of my own. Sometimes in the middle of recording a project I’ll take a break and record a different project so when I go back to the original I’ll feel a little refreshed in doing so. I have several projects done now that I’ve yet to release but whenever I do it’ll be new to the audience and listeners may be under the assumption that I wrote and recorded them in haste which couldn’t be the further from the truth.
  • M:我是同時多工進行,當我在做自己的作品時、又同時接了另外兩個合作的案子。有時候在錄製一張專輯時,我會在完成一半的時後就休息一下,然後跑去錄另一張不同的專輯,之後再回來完成原本的工作,透過這種方式比較能讓我保持耳目一新、重新出發。不過其實我是已經累積了很多作品,只是都還沒發表過,因此當我接連推出作品時,或許聽眾會以為我是在匆忙之間完成,但事實上並非如此。
7. The trend of vinyl records keeps growing. The sale of vinyl records has officially surpassed CDs. And lots of underground hip hop vinyl pop up at the market. How do you feel about this trend? What is your opinion on releasing music on vinyl? 黑膠唱片的風潮持續成長,甚至已經正式超越CD的銷量,近年來許多地下嘻哈唱片紛紛浮出檯面。你是如何看待這股風潮?以及你對以黑膠形式發行音樂的看法?
  • M:I feel like this is history repeating itself! Vinyl played an important role in the way people listened to music and there are people who still appreciate the sound of a good quality 12 inch on the wheel. I think at this point for some of us vinyl is the standard.
  • M:我覺得這就是歷史輪迴。以前黑膠唱片就是人們聆聽音樂時相當重要的媒介,而現在也還是很多人珍惜著12吋唱片轉動時所帶來的美好音質。因此對我們這類喜愛黑膠的人來說,黑膠唱片才應該是業界的標準。
8. What is your advice to other upcoming independent artists, especially during the coronavirus pandemic? 你對其他正要展開生涯的獨立音樂人有何建議?尤其是在目前疫情嚴峻的影響之下。
  • M:If you didn’t take advantage of the world being at a standstill you were waisting time! People were at home streams were up, the consumers purchased music at an alarming rate and if you didn’t have anything to offer them again you were late to the party. If you take what your doing serious use every opportunity to build your brand and your name up as an artists. Work on perfecting your craft but most importantly have a plan in place to deliver your music to your fan base. Connect with artists outside of your area to broaden that fanbase and give them quality shit. If you don’t take advantage of this now it may be a little harder to establish yourself once the world is in motion again. It can definitely be done though, just take advantage of this time as an artist.
  • M:如果你不懂得掌握潮流、而是停頓不前,那麼就是在浪費時間。疫情之下,現在的人們都關在家聽著串流音樂、瘋搶著購買黑膠唱片,如果你不懂得在這時提供他們想要的,那麼你就錯失了許多良機。如果你很認真看待你的事業,那麼就應該珍惜每一次的機會去建立品牌以及你的名聲。
  • 除了要讓自己的技巧越來越強之外,最重要的是如何將你的音樂給呈現給粉絲,例如與其他地區的音樂人一起合作來接觸到更多的粉絲族群。如果不善加利用這些機會,當世界重新又動起來的時候,要再去卡位就很難了。總之就是把握現在有的機會去好好經營,這些事情都是絕對能達到的。
9. Who do you want to work with in the future projects? And can you let us know where we can follow your works? 未來最想和誰合作?去哪邊可追蹤到你的音樂?
  • M:I personally don’t have any particular artists or producers I want to work with on projects. I think in time something could materialize, but I just do what I want to do as an artist and I have a network of artists that I respect and can call on in those moments. My work can be found at AllThingzMAV.com and via my bandcamp page mavmusic3.bandcamp.com in the near future you’ll have to come to my website to get anything MAV associated musically. In DaCloth We Trust !!!!!!!!!!
  • M:我自己並沒有特別想和哪個歌手或製作人合作。很多合作隨著時間發展都能去實現,但目前我只想做自己想做的事,我也有自己的社交網絡,裡面的人都是我所尊敬且任何時候都能聯繫上。想追蹤我的音樂可以去AllThingzMAV.com 或是我的bandcamp page,不過未來我所有的作品都會移往個人網站上去。

