[Exclusive] Warm Brew (Los Angeles) 獨家訪談 Interview 2017

來自洛杉磯Santa Monica地區的Warm Brew,由三位認識多年的好友 Ray WrightManu Li 以及 Serk Spliff 一同組成。堅定的友情、共同的目標,Warm Brew的努力成果在近年逐漸開花結果,也得到了Dom Kennedy的賞識,而Warm Brew的音樂常充滿著濃厚復古西岸味道,也讓他們在trap當道的年輕世代中顯得更加與眾不同。


1. What's the history of Warm Brew? How did you guys meet and form the group?
Warm Brew的歷史是什麼?你們是如何相識並組成這團體的?

  • Ray: We all met back in middle/high school. (我們是在國高中的時候就認識彼此了)
  • Serk: We all met in 9th grade playing football, been friends ever since. We all share a love and passion for music so that plus our friendship allowed the group dynamic to form naturally. We all looked up to those influential groups from yesteryear. (我們是在九年級的時候一起玩美式足球而結識的好朋友。大家都對音樂抱持著熱忱,再加上我們的友誼,使得這股活力自然而然的催生了這個團體。我們也都以過去的那些經典團體為榜樣看齊)
  • Ray: We were just some kids who loved music and take a chance. We used to rap on garage band on my first mac. (我們當時都只是孩子而已,喜愛著音樂、並且勇於去嘗試。當時還是用我自己第一台Mac電腦的garage band軟體來玩饒舌)
2. What does "Warm Brew" mean? And what is the spirit of "Ghetto Beach Boyz"?
所以說"Warm Brew"這個團名有什麼含義?另外"貧民窟海灘男孩"的精神是什麼?
  • Ray: Warm Brew means working with what you've got. (Warm Brew的意義就是擅用你所擁有的一切)
  • Serk: To be a Ghetto Beach Boy you gotta be able to take the good with the bad the same way, with an understanding that you gotta keep it moving, there's never been a permanent emotion. (想當個"Ghetto Beach Boy",不管你手上有的是好牌還是爛牌都要好好善用,體認到你要不斷往前,你的心態從來都不能停滯不前)

3. Dom Kennedy is one of the most popular rappers in LA in this generation. How did you guys meet him? What are the experiences working with him?
Dom Kennedy是這個世代最受歡迎的洛杉磯饒舌歌手之一,你們又是怎麼認識的?和他合作的經驗如何?
  • Ray: We met him through mutual friends in the city. He basically just started messing with one of our tracks and slid by the studio. From then on, he's always had a hand in the things we do. (我們是透過一個共同好友的介紹。當時他看上我們一首歌、就溜進了錄音室來碰面。從此之後,他就開始協助我們)
  • Serk: Working with Dom is great because he is exactly that, he is one of the biggest voices representing the westside so for him to appreciate what we're bringing to the table is a really dope feeling. (和Dom Kennedy合作的經驗很棒,因為他確實是現今西岸最具代表性的饒舌歌手之一,因此我們的東西能得到他的賞識,這種感覺真的是非常棒的)
4. Some of your music have the nostalgic feeling of classic west coast hip hop. What're your opinions on G-Funk and the whole west coast hip hop scene nowadays?
  • Serk: I think the west coast is in a great place musically, there are a lot of people painting the picture of the coast in a way that is truly special, to be a part of that is awesome. (我覺得西岸音樂的現況是處於一個相當好的狀態,許多人都用自己獨特的方式來代表西岸,而我們也是其中的一份子,這感覺很不錯)
  • Ray: As far as G funk, you can see it is heavily influenced in our music. But that time is over, and LA is recreating itself with a new type of sound. A new G funk if you will. (至於G-Funk音樂,你可以看到我們的作品深深受到它的影響。但這段G-Funk的黃金年代就是已經結束了,LA正在開創出新的聲音,如果硬要說的話你也可以解讀成是新的G-Funk)
5. For all those people in Taiwan, what tracks will you recommend to them?
  • Serk: Our entire catalog really. We've made songs for so many different feelings and settings that any of them can grab you at any moment, depends on how you're feeling that day. (我們所有的歌曲,真的。我們的歌曲反映了許多種不同的心情與情境,這些作品都能夠在聆聽的當下打動你,這都看你的心情而定)
  • Ray: Any track! But if you wanna listen to something to lift you up a bit, we'd suggest the track we just dropped "Small Victories" produced by Swiff D. Gotta add up the little wins in life. (我也是推薦我們任何一首歌。但如果你想聽一些激勵人心的東西,我們會推薦由Swiff D製作的"Small Victories"。你知道人生應該是要持續得到這些小小的勝利)

6. What're the biggest lessons learned so far? What are your advice to other young upcoming artists?
  • Ray: Biggest lesson is probably patience, and to have no judgement on others and the way they do things. Hip hop or rap is an ego sport. And now mad ways everybody's got their own little style or scene. Sometimes it takes people a while to come around to working with each other but a lot of when they do it's special. (我學到最重要的應該是耐心,也學到不要去輕易評斷別人和他們的所作所為。嘻哈、或是饒舌,都是種很自我主義的活動,每個人都有自己的風格、市場。因此有時候彼此之間要達成合作都是需要點時間,不過很多合作作品做出來之後、就是真的非常特別)
  • Serk: I'd say the biggest lesson is keep pushing and don't be afraid to hear no. You've gotta be willing to try new things and push yourself so that the finish line doesn't exist. Surround yourself with people that want success as bad you do but are just as invested in your dream as theirs. (我覺得最大的體悟,就是要不斷督促自己、並且不要害怕被人說不。你要勇於去嘗試新東西,逼迫自己、不要畫地自限。此外,也要與那些和你一樣努力想要成功、願意投資你的人為伍)
7. What are your next moves and the ultimate goals? 你們的終極目標是?
  • Serk: The ultimate goal is to continue to create, continue growing and see the world, see some people like us in a few years, 3 friends that pushed themselves to heights they didn't find possible. (我的終極目標就是持續創作,持續成長,然後在幾年之內就能去世界各地見識見識、去看看那些喜愛我們的粉絲。我們三個好朋友,努力要到達的高度是沒有極限的)
  • Ray: We're heading out on our first national tour as I type this, so I'd say just keep spreading our music to the world and taking care of each other. (在這次訪問的當下,我們即將展開第一次的全美巡迴演出。所以我覺得目標就是好好照應彼此,然後持續把我們的音樂,散播給全世界)

special thanks to URBAN UNION 節奏藍調在台同鄉會

